A list of teachers to 1976 includes:
Gurcharn Anand (India) George Mullings (Jamaica)
Gaby Bartholomew Phyllis Nawolski
Gus Brocke Margaret Nelson
Ruth (Fewchuk) Brown Iona Neumeier
Karen (Buck) Stults Lois Nichols
Marie (McDonnell) Buck Lawrence Onishenko
Donald Conrad Chris Ouellette
Stanley Dmytrash Eleanor Parr
Connie de Vera (Philippines) Carl Poloway
Wasylena Elaschuk Fred Powell
Claire Frigerio (Australia) Gloria Repato (Philippines)
Prem Gupta (India) Nana Revera (Philippines)
Pushpa Devi Gupta (India) Marguerite Robinson
Robert Hendriks Vera Romanchuk
Sung Hong (Korea) Marjorie Rushfeldt
Frances Hopkinson Con Selezinka
Orolin Hunt Mary Selezinka
Don Jager Wm. Smith Jr.
Cristina Julian (Philippines) Elizabeth Smith
Adeliza Lacson (Philippines) Adeline Smuk
Esther Laguerta (Philippines) Edward Smuk
Marlene Lawrence Nellie Sribney
Kazmir Lazicki Julie Stewart (Australia)
Betty Lecomte Elias Taschuk
Donald Lee Wesley Taylor
Gertrude Leonard Connie (Ferguson) Thomson
Martha Lorenson Vivian Trost
Donna Lovell Inez Turpeinen (U.S.A.)
John Lukenchuk Brahma Varma (India)
Florence McDonnell Norine Wilcox
J. Alex Mercer Laverne Wilson
The record for consecutive years of teaching at Heinsburg is held by Laverne Wilson (1957 - ), followed by Stan Dmytrash (September 1958 through June 1975). Ed Smuk has missed two years since starting in the fall of 1958.