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Last Names with W X Y Z
» Post Office Frog Lake - Martin
White Liz
Wilson Gordon David
Wilson Lila
Wilson Larverne
Womacks Muriel
Locally supported by:
Last Names with A B C D
Bendixen Floyd George
Bendixen Gail Vera
Bendixen Leroy (Roy)
Bendixen Wesley H
Botting Ella
Botting Gary
Buck Walter Dr
Calliou Howard Rodney
Calliou Irene
Dennill Henrietta
Deschamps George
Deschamps Isabelle Margaret
Last Names with E F G H
Fiddler Louis
Fryingpan Flora
Gillian Charles
Glambeck Gunlaug
Gregor Alice
Gregor Allan D
Gregor Janet P
Gregor Jim
Gustafson Adrien John Edmund
Gustafson Arvid
Hames Ted
Howarth Winnifred Mae
Last Names with K L M N
Kjenner Evva
Kjenner Trygve
Meger Martha
Monias Edward George
Nichols Donald Amos (Don)
Last Names with O P Q R
Parenteau Rick Wayne
Quinney Johnny Alexander (Alex)
Quinney Lloyd
Last Names with S T U V
Sharkey Babe
Sharkey Exie
Sharkey Lawrence
Sharkey Thelma Lila
Smuk Edward
Stafford Pete
Trottier Peter Abraham
Last Names with W X Y Z
White Liz
Wilson Gordon David (Gord)
Wilson Laverne (retirement)
Wilson Lila
Womacks Muriel
Families of Fishing Lake
Anderson Joe (Joker) and Marie
Brown Frank and Emma
Calliou Feliz amd Vitaline
Charlton Ernest and Beatrice
Coustien Alex and Cecile
Daniels Billy and Eliza
Desjarlais Jack
Dow Jessie and Elzie
Dumont Mabel
Dumont William and Mary
Durocher Emile and Isabel
Durocher Louis and Nellie
Kennedy Arthur and Nora Bell
McLean John
Photo Gallery 1 Fishing Lake
Photo Gallery 2 Fishing Lake
Price Bill and Alice
Walberg Ed
Families of Frog Lake - Martin
Bakala Onufree and Josephine
Bendixen Benjamin and Grace
Bendixen Frank
Biglow Alfred A
Borger Stephen and Anna
Bowtell Arthur and Lily
Bowtell Dalton and Muriel
Bowtell Fred and Mary
Bowtell Harry and Emma
Bowtell Alma
Boyd Andrew and Christina
Bristow Dalton H
Bristow David A
Bristow David Family
Bristow Frank and Anna
Bristow Frederick W
Brown Oliver and Myrta
Coutney Wadia and Fatima
Curtis Jack and Irene
Dewey Archie
Dewey George and Kittie
Dewey Russel and Dewey
Driver Toss and Anne
Early Neighbours
Flemstrom Rudolf and Leintje
Franks Frank James and Grace
Franks William and Annie
Fuglestveit Bernt
Gardner Jim and Daisy
Gibson Charlie and Daisy
Granger Abe and Rachel
Granger Frederick James
Gregor Fred and Amelia
Gregor John and Margaret
Gregor William and Garnet
Hall Fred
Hall George and Jessie
Hamdon Mohammed (Andy)
Higgins Milton Ellsworth and Johanna
Hockin Harry Hulvar
Holmes Clyde Bennett and Isabella Lucinda
Jack George and May
Jamison William and Margaret
Jenner Harry Martin
Johanson Gus and Ole
Kinch George and Jean
Kjenner Gustav and Tora
Kjenner Trygve and Wilma
Krider Sam and Amy
Larsen Albert and Augusta
Litchfield Jack and Linda
Litchfield Nels and Annie
Logan George and Margaret
Logan Roy
Lunden Olaf and Hilda
McGowan Jack and Alice
Meger Emanuel and Martha
Meger Roy and Martha
Nelson Edwin and Ester
Newhouse George
Newman Robert
Nichols John and Cuba
Peters Dalus Joseph and Mary
Photo Gallery 1 Frog Lake Martin
Riach William and Elizabeth
Rinde Knut and Marry
Robinson William
Rushfeldt Edward and Nellie
Sillem Phil and Bess
Smith William and Elizabeth
Mishaps in starting
Taylor Howard and Bessie
The Bachelor
Upchurch Marsh and Olive
Vasey Ernest and Mabel
Womacks Benjamin F
Womacks Ned and Ruby
Younghans Dick and Lida
Families of Heinsburg - Whitney Lake
Ballas Nick and Mary
Bevercombe Bud and Bea
Bietsch Peter
Blacklock Alexander and Armina
Blair Bruce and Ethyl
Bosvik Jorgen and Rose
Bosvik Peter and Gladys
Botting Harrison and Ida
Boucher Sam
Buck Mike and Irene
Buck Paul and Anne
Buck Walter and Laura-Marie
Chartier Romulus and Bertha
Coombe Leonard and Eva
Craige Therese (de Delley)
Crook Bill and Molly
Evans Evan
Evans Gilbert and Elise
Graham Hugh and Martha
Graham Martha
Gregor Rudolph and Pearl
Howarth Norman Jason and Winifred
Jenner Harry and Hazel
Keck George and Anna
Keck Hans
Larsen Carl Christian
Lawrence Gerald
Lee Jack
Lorenson Edward and Hazel
Maddex Fred
Maxwell Glen and Sadie
Maxwell Robert Jerrold and Ina
McCormick William
McMullen Jack and Annie
Montgomery Jim and Jessie
Neil Morley W and Edith
Nelson Albert and Mary
Olsen Jack
Palynchuk Annie
Photo Gallery 3 Heinsburg
Photo Gallery 4 Heinsburg
Prill Julius and Vida
Rainboth Ernest and Ella
Reishus Raymond and Harriet
Sawak Steve and Rose
Scheidel Jacob
Sharkey Exie and Thelma
Thompson David and Lily
Thorne Eric and Velda
Twarog Charlie and Edna
Wilson Jim and Emma
Winter Thomas Bath
de Delley Louis
Families of Norway Valley
Anderson Victor and
Barstad Olaf and Gudrun
Goins Atlas Family
Grauman Elmer and Aletha
Gunderson Daniel and Laura
Gunderson Gerhard and Sigrid
Gunderson Obert and Violet
Gunderson Oscar and Vena
Haase Fred and Margaret
Helgerson Everett and Gunhild
Johre Gjermund and Tone
Johre Tom
Kleven Vraal
Lunden Alex and Emillia
Midgley Richard
Nelson Andrew B and Anna
Odegaardens Anders and Anne
Parenteau Damrose and Adeline
Parenteau Omer and Alma
Photo Gallery 2 Norway Valley
Photo Gallery 3 Norway Valley
Photo Gallery 4 Norway Valley
Pynten Peter Larson and Clara
Resler Clyde and Alma
Sanders Edward and Elizabeth
Sanders George and Elaine
Sanders Roscoe and Agnes
Snaunes Halvor
Thorson John and Kari
Vinge Clarence S and Avis
Vinge Oscar Charlow and Thora
Families of Primula
Bazian Fred and Mary
Bazian James and Katherine
Buck Alex
Cap Mike and Lena
Chawkalinski John and Kate
Chimilar Fred and Nancy
Gavinchuk Sandra Jane
Kowal John and Katherine
Krucik William and Magda
Kuziw Dmytro and Mary
Makohin Bill and
Mykytiw William and Katie
Photo Gallery 1 Primula
Photo Gallery 2 Primula
Photo Gallery 3 Primula
Sass Sam and Lilly
Sharek John and Kathleen
Sharek Paul and Maria
Sharek Stephen
Swizinski Steve and Julia
Yacorzynski Kazimer and Marie
Frog Lake Reserve Families
Dion Toussaint and Marie Louise
Faithful George and Philomena
Faithful Marie Ann
Fiddler Fred
Fryingpan Adolphus
Horse John
Hunt Orin and Agnes
Letters to Hunts 1
Letters to Hunts 2
Peterson Alex and Belle
Photo Gallery 1 Frog Lake
Photo Gallery 2 Frog Lake
Photo Gallery 3 Frog Lake
Photo Gallery 4 Frog Lake
Quinney Charles and Harriet
Singer William
Smith Joseph
Grace's Song
Grandma's Lament
Making of the Land of the Red and White
Cover Story
Introduction to Land of Red and White
Silver Threads Book Committee
Tell me Old Man
Miller Archie
My Heritage
Past and Present
Gerald West's Wild Horse Roundup Memories
Heinsburg Community Club
Sargent Hall's Diary