From Captivity to Freedom

1RWiconweb_18.gifA most interesting book, "Two Months in the Camp of Big Bear," was written by Theresa Gowanlock and Theresa Delaney, wives of two of the men slain in the Frog Lake Massacre. Thanks is extended to Mrs. Mary Urquhart of Vermilion, owner of the book, to the Hodgins who made me so welcome in their home while I read it and made notes, and to Claude Brennan who informed me of the book's existence. (Editor)

The book originally belonged to Mrs. Urquhart's grandmother in Norfolk, England. Her brothers, John and William Child, were in Canada at the time of the Northwest Rebellion, one of them involved in transportation. They took out homesteads where Regina is now located. They sent the book to England, and it later came back to Canada. When Mrs. Urquhart came to this country she didn't realize how near she lived to the place where the massacre happened.


Home of Mr and Mrs J.A. Gowanlock