Frog Lake Cemetery

1RWiconweb_77.gifby Mrs. Anna H. Bristow

The Frog Lake Cemetery Company was formed at a meeting at Mr. David Bristow's Sr. residence, October 12, 1918. The first shareholders were the following: George Hall, William Jamison, Fred Bowtell, Harry Jenner Sr., Fred Bristow, Harry Bowtell, John McGowan, Abe Granger, David Bristow Sr., Fred Purdy.


The first president was David Bristow Sr. and the first secretary was F. Purdy. The capital stock to be $100 so each shareholder paid $10. They applied to the Land Titles Office to get a patent on the portion of land S.E. of 18-56-3-W4, south of the southern limit of the Indian reserve, containing 6.10 acres. This land was purchased at $3.00 per acre (6.10 acres for $18.60).

The patent fee of $10.00 was paid to the Department of Interior and $5.00 was paid to the Registrar Office in Edmonton. It was decided to charge $5.00 for a plot, which was later changed to $10.00. The first burial was a baby, Meryl Fredrick Purdy, on August 8th, 1917. April 3rd,

1926, moved by Fred Bowtell, seconded by Wm. Jamison, Frank Bristow was elected secretary at $5.00 per year. He still holds that position. George Kinch has been President for quite a number of years.

May 1961 - Ed. Rushfeldt and John Nichols planted spruce trees on three sides of the cemetery. In 1969 The Frog Lake Cemetery fund was started to help finance the upkeep. In 1971 a new fence was built and painted and more gates put in. Frank Bendixen made a sign over the gate. Frank Bristow made thirty-three cement markers, blocks, with names and dates to show location of all unmarked graves. The annual cemetery clean-up day is the third Wednesday in June. The grass is cut when needed. More graves are covered with a plaque each year which adds to the neat appearance of the cemetery.
