Gerald West's Wild Horse Roundup Memories

Gerald West Biography

(Text taken from this book’s account)

Gerald and girls on Prince

Rhonda and Pat with Gerald on Prince

In 1923 Gerald’s parents settled in the Lea Park district, north of Marwayne AB. “I was born on this place. I’m the youngest of ten children. We used horses for transportation and for farming until 1950 when we got our first tractor and our first automobile. I owned my first horse when I was about nine years old.”

Later on I also joined up, and spent 18 months in the navy (Royal Canadian Navy) during the Korean war and returned home to take over the farm in 1951.”

“In 1954 was when I first went out west, I started rounding up wild horses in about 1958 and stayed at it for 14 years. And I kept records to about 1972. All of the unbranded horses that we rounded up were mine and branded horse the owner had to swear an affidavit that they were his. I worked horses under Seale's permits until 1962 when I got my first permit and continued on around that country.”

This account was put together in 2011 by Gerald West and edited by Bob Hendriks of  Heinsburg. In 2024 Gerald West is living in Vermilion. 

Map of Hinton Wild Horse Country

Map of Hinton Wild Horse Country

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